Friday, September 25, 2015


Arthur Binard さんのLectureとよみきかせは とても とのしいです。It was a really inspiring experience to hear him talked about his work and poetry. His talk reminded me of the love for poetry and its different expressions, especially how a few simple words could hold so much meaning and emotions. His talk about  ひろしま and ながさき was really sincere and interesting. I never knew that language could be a way to relived the experience or had such heavy connotations. Overall, I'm glad to have had this experience.

Sunday, September 13, 2015


わたしのりょうは Pasquerilla Eastです。としょかんのちかくに あります。 しずかです。でも、大きくありません。わたしのへやは さんかいに あります。へやのなかに ほんだなが あります。たくさんのほんが あります。そして、つくえといすが あります。とけいが ありません。このへやは あかるいです。そして、せまいのです。でも、となりのへやは にぎやかです。